Weekend at Crescent Lake
Hello hello from the beautiful Crescent Lake! I am sitting here in the quiet sipping on my coffee and enjoying this amazing view!

It has been magnificent here this weekend.. with all the snow and the sunshine, its absolutely gorgeous!
We drove out here on Thursday and it took us about 4 hours to get to the cabin with all the stops that we made. Of course, we made Happy Meal stop at McDonalds...
Guess who also made it on this trip.. HEDGIE.. He is Eva's class pet!

We are staying at family friend's cabin which is about 30 minutes from the Willamette Pass.

Dinner Thursday night, was a roast that I made the morning before we left and some roasted potatoes...

Friday was so warm and sunny that we spent the majority of the day sledding, playing in snow, snowshoed,

Saturday was our day up at the mountain..
You guys it was the cutest thing ever!! Ski school was such a good time for the kids.. It was just them two with the instructor which allowed for extra hands on.

Dad made it on skis too!

Okay guys, we are off to play some more before we go home!
Hope you are having an amazing Sunday!