Weekly Recap 01.16
Hi friends! 👋
The kids are home in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and we are going a million miles an hour over here.
But this past week has been full full full!
Sunday started off with performance at church. Justin's parents came up to watch the kids dance kolo and sing, after that we came back to our house for lunch.

I signed the kids up for Virtual Story Time at the Beaverton City Library, Nikola has done it before and loved it. So we are using this story time to wind down and get ready for school on Monday.

The following day was school, and like every other Monday, I drop the kids off then run to my 8:45am workout class.
Tuesday, Nikola and I ran errands and went grocery shopping. This was also the day he started his first Tae Kwon Do class. After dropping our groceries off, we headed to class. You guys, he LOVEDDDD IT.

We also had tea time 😊

Was dinner Tuesday night, 💯 recommend

Wednesday after school was an activity in the house kind of day...

Thursday Eva had gymnastics after school, the boys took her to practice while I stayed home. I had some time to finish watching the Casey Anthony documentary on Peacock. And guys yikes... Im not sure what to think about the whole situation 😔 I had to literally watch Friends afterward while I made dinner to not think about the little girl and how sad it all is.
Friday, Eva did not have school so her and I after dropping Nikola off went and had breakfast at Saint Honore Bakery in Lake Oswego. We were gonna go to Nola Doughnuts but they were closed.. Bummer!

After we got Nikola from school, I drove the kids down to Justin's parents for the weekend.
Saturday, Justin and I woke up early, had a cup of coffee, drove to Starbucks for more coffee and a breakfast sandwich then drove to Chehalem Ridge Nature Park for a 4.5 mile hike. Friends, we got DRENCHED..
Check out the before and after...

After our hike we came home, got ready and headed downtown for some much needed Thai food, then we went to Zara for me to make a return and do some shopping.
Alright friends, thats it for the week!
We are off to go play at the park and take advantage of the break from the rain.