Weekly Recap 11.06
Hi friends!
We just got home from dance practice at church and getting some Thai food for lunch.
This week was full full for us!
Halloween being on Monday was a rainy day, we got soaked while Trick-or-Treating.
Guys literally my mascara was running down my face with how much it rained.
Here is the best photo from Dorothy, Piglet, Frankenstein, and Jack Skellington.

The kids had a rough time waking up the next day for school 😑
So in the afternoon we opted for a walk outside since it was blue skies.. I wish the Monday's and Tuesday's weather switched!

On Wednesday Eva lost her 2nd tooth!!!!
She bit into an apple which really loosened it, all I did was a little yank and it came out!

We also made a Gratitude Chain for everyday up until Thanksgiving!
We just cut long strips of paper, write different gratitudes, then we linked the strips together to form a chain! It was a fun little activity for us to do together as a family!
Example of chain below...

For whatever reason knowing that the weekend is the following day, the kids tend to have a little pep in their step. They woke up ready to take on the day!

Later that night Eva and I went shopping for her friends birthday party anddd she even ended up getting a couple of dresses for her self!

On Saturday we went over to Justin's sister's house for breakfast. His grandparents came up from Albany, so it was nice to spend the morning with them. Eva, Nikola and Jae played hair salon... It was the cutest thing EVER

We took off not too long after breakfast to drop dropped Eva off, and I went to Nordstrom Rack for the "clear the rack" sale, found some super cute Halloween decor for next year... You guys I live by this... After holiday, I do some shopping for next year where the stuff is super discounted.
Saturday night was a wind down with a glass of red wine and The Watcher.
This morning I woke up and made a very delish breakfast casserole...

The recipe is from Mix and Match Mama, which is one of my favorite places to get recipes from!
Alright guys, I am off to watch some more of The Watcher.. We are reallyyyyy into it! Hope you have an amazing Sunday! XXX