Weekly Recap 11.21
Hi friends!
Happy Thanksgiving week!
This past week has been a cough and sleepless nights with our family. Nikola missed a couple of days of school and soccer. 😞
He is feeling a lot better and so is Eva!
This recap will be short and sweet with some photos.
Monday, dropping the kids off at school, I ran to Orange Theory for a quick workout, which kicked my butt! But nothing that a trip to Costco and a yummy protein shake didn't fix! 😉

When the kids got home, they were exhausted so they just put on pjs and slept for the rest of the day/night.

Toward the end of the week we were all getting exhausted from sleepless nights due to coughs. Eva was feeling fine by Thursday so she wanted to go to gymnastics which was okay with us.
Working on splits 👇

Friday we had an amazing delicious dinner with kumovi Mario and Marina.
Started off with oysters then went into a Sheet Pan Shrimp Boil,
then some pierogi and fried chicken, along with my all time favorite Cashew Crunch Salad with Sesame Dressing

Saturday was super nice so Justin and the kids went on a hike. I stayed home, cleaned and caught up on some RHOSL.
Alright guys I am off to go get my week started and get ready for Thanksgiving. Justin and I are hosting this year and we are super excited for it!
Have a great week! XXX