Weekly Recap 12.11
Hey hey friends!
I am currently in my "office space" aka our master bedroom in my coziest onesie Christmas pajamas!
This stomach bug has been kicking our butt all since Thursday 😒
Below are some of our highlights for the week!
Yummy soup.. Recipes you can find here..
This girl is obsessed with her drawing! Her favorite way to draw is to go on YouTube watch How to Draw for Kids and its amazing!
Stomach bugs for 2 out of 3 people here..
Eva did chores around the house, she is my great little helper!
We ended the week with a birthday party! It was fun to celebrate one of Eva's classmates and friends since kindergarten!
I know I promised a blog post about Bend, TBH I just haven't had the energy to sit down and write. Butttt be on the lookout for this post soon!
Have an awesome Monday!