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Weekly Recap 01.22

Hello hello!

Happy Sunday guys! I am about to get ready to go to kolo practice with the kids, but before we go I thought I'd hop on here and blog about our week.

We kept it really low key this week, on Monday we went to Washington Park! It was a chilly day so after our plays we went to Mississippi Ave for some bbq. We have been wanting to check out Matt's BBQ and we finally got the chance to do it!


The following day was a school day for Eva, so after dropping her off I ran to Urgent Care to see what the pain in my left arm was all about. We came to find out I had an inflamed tendon which meant no Orange Theory for the rest of the week. OUCH

But I did take advantage of running outside.

We also played and were being silly! 😜

Friday we Jasmin and I took Nikola and Jae to Leka Playland, which was super cute. After we came home and Jae stayed with us for a couple of hours!

Saturday we had neighbors over for pizza night. The girls performed and played dress up while Nikola was watching his show then he fell asleep. 😂

Thats all for this week friends!


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